As Summer fast approaches I am starting to get anxious about my "To Do List". Usually this would not be a big deal. I mean we have ALL Summer to get things done, Right? Not going to happen this year !! OK, I need to get my thoughts/list in black and white so I can see what I am up against... Here goes
1. Take Cathryn to the Dentist
2. Take Davis to the Dentist (I would rather have a root canal than do this)
3. Get Davis fitted for new leg braces : Hummm, I think this is a task for NaNa and PawPaw when they come
4. Paint Bonus room, Cathryn's bathroom and Baby's room
5. Finish Landscaping the yard : tear up shrubs on side of house. I don't know why we planted them, but they Must GO !!
6. Replace the perennials that I planted last year. Shannon dug them up this past Fall thinking they were weeds .... Need I say more
7. Organize children's closet. Pack up clothes
8. Work with Davis daily : therapy, swimming, walking, feeding, etc...
9. Have A BABY in June : Minor detail
10. Loose 30 + pounds
11. Oh yeah, pick out a name for the baby
12. Get baby's room ready (haven't done one thing)
To Be continued :
I am sure the list will grow as my brain processes and thinks (which is not very often )
Monday, April 27, 2009
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
Colors, Numbers and Bears
I have no idea where the last 3 1/2 years have gone. Cathryn has gotten so big sooo fast it is scary!!! Lately I have felt like she is not challenged enough. I will never forget what our Ped. said when she was born, "Because you have a special needs child, don't dumb down your expectations of Cathryn." It took us off guard and we (I) was offended at first. Until he explained. "Don't think everything Cathryn does is gifted or highly advanced. Because Davis is mentally like an infant, you will see Cathryn as a genius.... Even if it is what ALL 3 year olds are doing. Cathryn needs to be challenged and pushed to her greatest potential."
Here we are 3 1/2 years later and I now understand what our Dr. was saying. I am amazed at how the simple everyday activities come so easy to Cathryn and are SOOO hard for Davis. Cathryn attends a two day a week program and seems to love it, but I feel she needs more at home. Today we went to our school supply store and purchased several manipulative's for her to count, sort, stack, group etc... She loves the bears and has played ALL afternoon !!! I am saving the clock and lacing patterns for Friday. I need to be more dedicated and organized ... We can make learning fun and add activities each week :o) Now that the weather is getting warm I will begin the garage sale hunt for great learning tools.
New Babies !!!
Meet Our New Baby Birds !!
My spring/summer wreath had been on the door less than 2 days when the birds started to build their nest. At first I was a little irritated because they were using pieces of my wreath for their nest. I even put a black rubber snake in the wreath to try and scare them off (I know this seems sooo mean, but I don't have much compassion these days). This obviously didn't work because before I new it she had layed 4 eggs. Last Monday they hatched and only two babies were there. They are cute little fuzz balls and Cathryn loves checking on them. The next day I go outside and one has fallen out of the nest. I quickly panicked and wondered what to do. Eventually, we put the baby back in the nest (after consulting my mom, sister and the internet). As of today they seem to be OK. Cathryn is very concerned and prays for the babies everyday :o)
Monday, April 20, 2009
Big sister, Little sister
Yes, This is a picture of me pregnant !! The only reason I posted it was because I am the BIG sister (in size and age) and Melissa is the little sister (size and age). Maybe in this BIG chair it is not as obvious.... I was sadly mistaken :o( I look BIG no matter what I am sitting in !!! June please hurry up and come !!!!
Sunday, April 19, 2009
The Lord Has Risen !!
Easter 2009
We have been tring to teach Cathryn the meaning of Easter. After several days of discussing Jesus' death and resurection I asked Cathryn a few questions.
# 1. "Who died on the cross for our sins?" Jesus
#2. " Who is Easter about?" Jesus
Ok we are 2 for 2.... Great !!
#3. "Who rose from the dead after three days?" Cathryn responds, "Daddy"
I asked again and Cathryn explains that Shannon her Daddy rose from the dead after three days !!!
Oh dear this is too much. I think we have missed the mark somewhere .....
Sibling Love and Affection
Over the past three years I have watched Cathryn and Davis interact with each other. I always wonder about their relationship and how Cathryn will respond to her special needs brother. As Cathryn gets older she tries to help... getting Davis' toothbrush and singing to him while I brush his teeth , helping with diapers and getting wipes, wanting to feed him or give him something to drink etc... , but they have never really played together. Until today !! I had Davis on the bed and Cathryn began to wrestle with him. My first response was to say be careful and stop, but I held back. Davis laughed and came right back at her. For a good 20 mins. they rolled, laughed and played. I was amazed at how Cathryn interacted with Davis and wanted him to be aggressive with her. I waited for the Drama to begin and Cathryn to cry, " Davis kicked me or pushed me," but it never happened. I watched in amazement at how both of them enjoyed being with each other and how sibling love/affection was evident !! What a blessing :o)
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