Have you ever had a senior moment? The kind of moment were you know you are not crazy, but you feel like you are. Yes, I know a few specific people reading this have. I won't mention any names, but you know who you are. Well today was the day for me. I had plans to make a pumpkin topiary for my front porch. I am not very crafty, but I can copy like the best of them. I went to Michael's and bought everything needed. When I came upon the isle with the glue guns and sticks I said, "No, I have plenty of that at home. I have a glue gun and a 1000 glue sticks." When I passed the fake pumpkins I said, "Nope I have those too." Finally I got home and began to make my topiary. The only problem was #1 my pumpkins were no where to be found and #2 my glue gun/ sticks were missing. I was very perplexed because I new I had just seen them. I could picture them in my head and I new where the should be, but they were no where to be found. So the hunt began !!! No closet, drawer, cabinet or bed was left un-turned. How could I loose 3 PUMPKINS and 1000 glue sticks. There is not a happy ending to this story. I still have not found my pumpkins or glue gun/sticks. I had a senior moment and it was scary because I know I saw those darn PUMPKINS !!!
This is the final product !! Cathryn helped me make the pumpkin topiary. And yes, I had to buy new pumpkins.... I never found the missing ones !!