Monday, April 27, 2009

Summer Time "To Do List"

As Summer fast approaches I am starting to get anxious about my "To Do List". Usually this would not be a big deal. I mean we have ALL Summer to get things done, Right? Not going to happen this year !! OK, I need to get my thoughts/list in black and white so I can see what I am up against... Here goes

1. Take Cathryn to the Dentist
2. Take Davis to the Dentist (I would rather have a root canal than do this)
3. Get Davis fitted for new leg braces : Hummm, I think this is a task for NaNa and PawPaw when they come
4. Paint Bonus room, Cathryn's bathroom and Baby's room
5. Finish Landscaping the yard : tear up shrubs on side of house. I don't know why we planted them, but they Must GO !!
6. Replace the perennials that I planted last year. Shannon dug them up this past Fall thinking they were weeds .... Need I say more
7. Organize children's closet. Pack up clothes
8. Work with Davis daily : therapy, swimming, walking, feeding, etc...
9. Have A BABY in June : Minor detail
10. Loose 30 + pounds
11. Oh yeah, pick out a name for the baby
12. Get baby's room ready (haven't done one thing)

To Be continued :

I am sure the list will grow as my brain processes and thinks (which is not very often )

1 comment:

hlw said...

Nesting anyone? You crack me up! I swear we were seperated at birth. My "inside stuff to do--winter list" is on the fridge and not much is crossed off. My parents stay with us for a month every summer and thank goodness my Dad works on the list for me!