Sunday, October 12, 2008

Long Distance Love !!

This is for my loving family who live sooo far away. I hope this can shorten the distance bewteen each other. How I miss each one of you and wish we could see each other more. Cathryn loves her Pawpaw and Nana. She is at the fun age where she loves to talk with Nana on the phone. Every conversation is so exciting and new. They talk about shoes, clothes, surprises coming in the mail and Lucky the cat. Davis loves his Pawpaw like no other. The two of them could swing in the hammock and cuddle all day together. They are two peas in a pod. When Davis is with his Pawpaw their is no other. What a sweet and loving relationship !! And even though he can't talk he always responds with a big grin or laugh. Both memories are Priceless... Nana and Pawpaw, This is for you !!!

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